- Edward looks constipated
- Edward insists he shouldn't be with Bella, then stalks her anyway
- Bella says, "I'm not afraid" (or some variant thereof)
- Bella bites her lower lip
- Jacob loves Twizzlers
- Jacob (or anyone else) uses hip reservation lingo (“rez,” “palefaces,” etc.)
- James cocks his head to the side like a cretin
- A handicapped man drives by in a truck, glaring
- Someone mentions monkeys for some reason
- Someone pretends to use a ketchup bottle, but doesn't
- A boy steals a kiss, omg
- Gratuitous man-chest is visible
- Focus is placed on Jessica's (admittedly awesome) rack
- Robert Pattinson looks like The Cure
- A mirror breaks
- Toast and down your drink at “CHILLAX”
- Every time Edward turns into glitter, chug until he stops
- Every time you hear or see "Forks," yell "FORKS" and drink (Throwing plastic forks at the screen is also acceptable)
- Every time the Golden Onion is presented, scream about it in a New York accent. No drinking required.
- Dance herky-jerk erotic-style to “15 Step” over the closing credits (This tends to happen naturally).
BONUS DEATH RULE (to only be used if you want to get absolutely obliterated):
- Drink every time Bella does her weird scoff laugh move